List poem:
Wavy hair, not I wanted
puffy - don’t like it
Glasses that is flexible than other glasses.-brown
bottom of my eyes are dark - tired
brown bracelet with two shapes - catholic
white shirt - ISKL with one button locked
half sleeves
ugly nails survived from my bites
some cuts on my arms and hands.
normal school pants that come to my knees with four pockets.
dark blue pants.
spongebob wallet with 41Rm on one right pocket
earphone and candy on the other pocket.
blue sucks with some unknown characters on it.
FILA shoes - bought it from Korea
ugly ribbons tied on top of my shoes
-Snapshot of me, Justin.
Where I am from:
I am from 1998, November 10, snowy day.
I am from Korea where K-pop is from.
Where four season exists.
I am from little stickers I use to collect when I was young
I am also from Tom and Jerry.
snow, a lot of snow is also where I am from.
I am from Greek myth.
I am from the word ‘Hello’
From the word “LOL” and “ikr”
Also from “OMG”
Internet and phones is where I am from.
I am from the lake from my pa’s hometown.
I am from the crackers from my pa’s brothers.
Form the jam that my grandmother made for me.
My nagging mom, screaming sister, and noisy dog is where I am from.
I am from my ma’s weird food that doesn’t have a name.
Which doesn’t taste bad and doesn’t taste good.
I am from these albums, which it is going to be thicker and thicker.
Question: Why/how is one's individual identity worth fighting for?
When they aren't any personal or individual identity all of us will be the same. We will all think the same, have all the same history. If everyone thinks the same everybody will want to something that you want to do and you won't have any differences with others. People won't have any different color, they all be the same. When this happens life is going to be so boring. This is why personal and individual identity is worth fighting for.
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